Policies /

Armed Forces Spouse/Family Member Policy

1.         Introduction

SSGC employ staff who are service spouses, partners & Military families and they recognise the valuable contribution and sacrifices that they make to support the UK Armed Forces and the civilian workplace.

2.       Purpose and Scope

The Company has pledged its support for service spouses, partners & Military families, and acknowledges thethat these people often have valuable skills and abilities that are of benefit any workplace. This policy intends to define our obligations towards all employees who are service spouses, partners & Military families.

The Company will not disadvantage those service spouses, partners & Military families who notify the Company.

The Company shall, guarantee interviews for spouses and Service families who meet the essential criteria of the role.  

The Company shall, subject to the provisions set out in Section 5, grant additional leave to service spouses, partners & Military families before, during or after deployment.

The Company shall, subject to the provisions set out in Section 6, offer flexible working to spouses during deployment to support childcare arrangements.  

The Company shall, subject to the provisions set out in Section 8, endeavour to support spouses/partners on overseas postings.  

3.           Who is included?

  • Spouses, or long-term partners (LTP), of Service Personnel [1]
  •  Immediate family [2]

4.           Spouse/Family Member Status Notification

Spouses/family members are required to inform the business that they are a spouse/family member of the Armed Forces. This is so that the Company can

provide the appropriate level of support to the employee. The Company also recognises the additional skills and experiences that being a spouse/family member can bring to the Company and therefore it is useful for the Company to have an understanding of where these particular skills and experiences exist.

In any circumstance, the spouse/family member will not be disadvantaged as a result of notifying the Company of their status.

5.           Special Leave

The Company shall grant service spouses, partners & Military families an additional 5 days paid annual leave and the option of 5 days unpaid annual leave during the period of deployment. The additional leave may be used anytime from two weeks prior deployment, to two weeks after deployment.

The Company understands the need for flexibility and short notice leave to support deployments, particularly where childcare is a factor. The Company shall therefore support short notice leave, wherever possible and where the operational needs of the business allow.

The Company shall ensure priority allocation for Annual Leave to mirror the Service Personnel’s Post Operational Tour Leave (POTL) or Rest & Recuperation (R&R) dates, subject to adequate notice given and operational needs of the business.

The Company we consider any additional requests on a case-by-case basis.

6.           Flexible Working

The Company shall allow flexible working, wherever possible, to support the employee during periods of deployment. This could include the option to work from home or temporarily change working hours to support childcare arrangements during deployment.

8.         Overseas Postings

The Company shall endeavor to support spouses and partners to accompany the serving person on an overseas posting. This may be done by offering homeworking or sabbatical leave.

Each case will be looked at on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the operational needs of the business. Please speak to your line manager for more information.


Evidence required to prove long term partnership

[1] (see annex A for acceptable evidence of Long-Term Partnership)

[2] (includes parents of, or children of Service Personnel, and siblings)